Professional Cleaning 101 for Amateurs

We’re going to take a look below at some basics when it comes to professional cleaning, especially if you find yourself just entering the world of cleaning.

Have a Plan – Deep Cleaning vs. General Cleaning

General cleaning is regular cleaning meant to help maintain a clean space. This is from throwing out the trash to washing the dishes and doing some light vacuuming. Not only that but deep cleaning is a comprehensive cleaning that focuses on those hard to reach places that we may have forgotten about. Build out a checklist so you know what forms of cleaning you’re going to do.

Make sure you have the right supplies for your professional cleaning

Understand if you’re going to do cleaning vs. sanitizing/disinfecting. You want to have the right type of supplies for every room you’re going to clean. You’ll need specific cleaning solutions for every room. You’ll also want to have sponges, microfiber cloths, brushes to scrub with, a broom with a dustpan, and a vacuum cleaner.

Get rid of the big items first

That means decluttering everything so moving your items to the right locations and not leaving them on the floor. It’s then much easier to clean when you’re not having to clear them out of the way.

Handle one room at a time

Always make sure to completely finish cleaning a room before moving on to the next one. Do a general vacuuming and dusting of every room and then start to wipe down surfaces one by one. This will also help motivate you and ensure the job gets done!

Keep your professional cleaning consistent

Make sure to stick to a maintenance schedule with residential cleaning which can also be the time to clean your linens and do laundry. Try to get it all done at once.

Work with the pros

Feeling like someone else should handle the cleaning? Whether you need a house or rental cleaning or a good office cleaning, Coachella Maids knows all the best ways to handle everything quickly and efficiently at a price you can’t beat!


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